In the bleak, dystopian future, tiny dolls called Manikins keep citizens of The State in check by feeding them messages of conformity, and obedience. Tara, who is hoping for a better life, purchases an aftermarket Manikin which boosts her morale with messages of hope, and courage. But when The State intervenes, Tara faces the dire consequences of trying to break free from the norm.

Official Selection
Los Angeles Women's International Film Festival 2016
Kansas International Film Festival 2016
Ozark Foothills FilmFest 2016
Berlin International Cinefest 2017

Directed & Edited by Deva Blaisdell-Anderson
Written by Monica Bhatnagar, Matt Struthers
Director of Photography • Philip Lima
Assistant Camera • Donald Eldridge
Audio Engineer • Evan Adler
Wardrobe & Production Design • Helen Slomowitz
Producer • Tito Perez
Production • Impact Creative

Monica Bhatnagar
Christa Martin
Katie Meinholt
Evan Adler
Desiree Rogers (Manikin Voice)
Nina Zumel